Exhibition in progress
Higashikawa Bunka Gallery is temporarily closed
We would like to thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation with our activities.
The Higashikawa Bunka Gallery will be closed until the end of January 2021 (planned) due to major renovation and expansion of the building.
Since its opening in November 1989, the gallery has served as the center of the town of photography for 31 years.
After the renovation, the gallery will be reborn as a safer and more comfortable place for visitors.
We apologize for the inconvenience of this extended closure, and thank you for your understanding and support.
Period of closure
~ end of January 2021 (planned)
The Town of photography Department (Our office temporary locates in the second floor of the town hall)
Higashikawa Town Hall, 1-16-1 Higashimachi, Higashikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido 071-1423, Japan
Tel: 0166-82-4700 (Open Monday-Friday 8:30-17:15/except for national holidays and New Year holidays)